
Re Mathis' Theory on TB Forum

Mathis Forum Thread
Tom someone started a TB forum thread on Mathis' theory at http://thunderbolts.info/forum/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=10&am~, so I replied privately as follows.

How Photon Et Al Spins Stack
I asked Mathis some questions lately and it got him to thinking about why photon spins stack and he answered in an update to his Superposition paper at the bottom at http://milesmathis.com/super.html. And his answer seemed to make a lot of sense to me, although it also led me to some more questions, which I haven't asked. Mathis is usually very brief in his replies, so it's not much fun to email him, although I enjoy his papers.

Mathis' Idea of Gravity
I didn't care for Mathis' prior theory of an expanding universe as the cause of gravity, but he revised it about a year and a half ago, and now considers spin (I think stacked spins) of the universe to be the cause of gravitation. That revision made his whole model much more plausible to me. I think his theory would be even better by incorporating some of Charles' ideas, such as galaxies being held together by the EM force. I think Charles' theory might also be better if it extended that idea to the entire universe, so that the whole universe is held together by the EM force while the universe is also spinning.

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