
LK: Preparing for Collaboration
© Lloyd

Here is a way to do a sociocracy-like process. Below I condensed and paraphrased our organizational proposals. I have 3 categories of proposals, the first being proposed goals, second, proposed process on your website, and third, proposed sources of data and ideas. You can put an "x" in front of any statements you dislike. And, if you like, you can insert after each such x-statement a modified proposal with a "+" sign at the beginning. Then we can both take turns doing similarly till all statements are in agreement. Are you willing to do that, or do you want to modify this proposal? I put quote marks (") before each statement that seems to be low priority for now.

1. Goals:
_A. Understand the solar system, the Sun and the planetoids
_B. Accurately predict dangers from Earth and from space: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, dangerous solar and extra-solar events etc.
_C. Help communities live in peace, freedom and prosperity*10746
_D. Help space colonization

2. Develop an efficient sociocracy-like scientific process
_Invite people to join the CC forum
_Edit the following into proposed rules
_Anyone may start a thread in an appropriate place
_Thread participants self-organize with experts
_Each group develops "master documents" of findings from its forum threads
_Each group keeps its forum threads & documents organized
_Invite members to be moderators to guide proper process
_CC allow anyone to contribute anywhere in ranked footnotes*10749
_Each group footnotes questions & comments by rank
_Groups don't make discussions confusing by excessive deleting
_CC maybe let topic owners set time-limits for edits of posts
_CC explain how to cross-reference topics
_Anyone may create folders and put shortcuts in them
_Each article in QDL is owned by one or few people
_Groups must organize value from their threads in master document summaries
_Owners say clearly anything they want in an appropriate place
_Label thread statements as Facts, Theories, or Open Questions*10748
_Members make targeted criticisms and suggestions
_If live discussion or concurrent editing is needed, use Google Docs
_Owners must integrate new information from critics etc
_Reasonable questions have to be answered, or marked as open questions
_Owners move comments to ABC-ranked footnotes: A=High-priority; B=Low-priority; C=Confusing
_It's best on QDL for just one person at a time to edit a page
_Anyone may add comments at the end of any master document page
_Any low-quality material will be removed after a set time and warning
_Members should focus on data and conform theories to the data
_In documents state the existing consensus and then add new findings
_End thread or online discussions with master document summaries
_If new information is found resume discussion with the previous summary
"_Wikipedia is a good example to follow, except for its power abuse
"_Explain to the mainstream what is power abuse, which is not science
"_Organize hundreds of people to write high quality books
"_Publish a book every year with master document summaries

3. Glean major info from TB forum threads etc
_Categorize, summarize and cross-reference threads
_Ask TB team, NPA et al to join discussions
"_CC attend the next NPA conference in Maryland

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