dahlenaz wrote: ...At the last of these links there is a picture which seems a bit suspicious. I've never seen this feature at the official site for tunguska. Is this from there or somewhere else?
As i read these articles i still wonder why certain details don't expand the discussion here and elsewhere...
The pic in that article is some crater pic from the archives to make it more "catchy". Expect more stories about meteroids in the next time. After all it was Wernher v.Braun who blew the whistle about a "campaign" after those "War on Drugs", "War on Terror", ..."War on hemrhoids"? It would be for the purpose of making it possible to militarize space, officially...
As the "War on ´error" is running out of it´s hypocritic fuel - the next howler is ready for another round of shocking and awing our lovely blue marble: "War on Asteroids"...
Last week ther was a big article in Science Mag. about an impact at Chesapeake Bay from some 35 mil. years ago.
Then there was this Mars "simulation" about an impact, and see that Germany (DLR) wants to launch a satellite especially for monitoring Near Earth Objects.
I also have been noticing how frequently stories about asteroids, NEOs etc have been appearing lately. Even as little as 5 years ago any scientist appearing in the media and commenting upon the likelihood of e.g. asteroid strikes would give you better odds of winning the lottery two weeks in succession. But nowadays it seems hardly a week goes by without some piece of multi-million dollar hardware being launched or at least announced. They might have left it a bit late for 2012.
This whole 2012 thing really has got to go from these discussions. Planets will interact, based on their very nature, but since the predictions that the Mayans made were when the planets and indeed the earth were in different locations means that their little "clockwork predictable universe" is just as circumspect as the Greek Epicycle theory. Basically, these theories beginnings do not relate specialized knowledge, they are records. The translations over time only add to their 'air of mystery' but we should immediately be wary of abandoning our own reasoning for faith.
Re: Tunguska, Ongoing Mystery
I just saw a PBS science now program that discussed studies of aurora, they mentioned substorms and showed an animation that showed activity in the tail region flashing back on the earth to excite the aurora, supposedly to cause them to dance about. I don't know if this has any relationship to what happened at tunguska but it should be discussed thoroughly for what a flashback from the tail region means from the electric universe perspective. Has there been any discussion of substorms in this forum? d...z
Double Star and Cluster witness pulsated reconnection for several hours
The transport of mass, but also energy and momentum, across the magnetopause is a central issue in space physics. Consequences of this transport are of major concern for space weather specialists worldwide, monitoring our Earth's space environment and technology infrastructure. One long-term goal is to accurately forecast the occurrence of magnetic storms and their consequences on critical technology infrastructure both in space and on Earth (satellite failures, inaccurate GPS positioning, pipeline corrosion...). To reach that goal, the knowledge on how, where and under which conditions, solar material penetrates the Earth's magnetic shield is of crucial importance. Magnetic reconnection and Flux Transfer Events (FTEs)
Magnetic reconnection is one of the most efficient mechanisms in this matter. The basic idea behind reconnection is that anti-parallel magnetic field lines from different magnetic domains can, when meeting, merge together and change the overall magnetic field topology.This topological change of the magnetic field allows solar material to enter along the connected field lines. This phenomenon was imagined in the 50's as a large-scale steady state process. Since the late 70's, several studies have shown the existence of pulsed reconnection at the magnetopause producing spatially confined magnetic flux tubes called flux transfer events (FTEs). Typically of a few minutes duration, these FTEs propagate away from the reconnection site and are often used as a tracer of magnetic reconnection.
Pulsed magnetic reconnection during 8 hours
The properties of FTEs observed by both TC-1 and Cluster are in agreement with previous observations. Detailed analysis of TC-1 data reveal in particular that plasma acceleration was taking place at the reconnection site, located near the TC-1 location. Cluster data are generally consistent with plasma precipitating along the field lines in the direction of the southern ionosphere (image 2).
All five spacecraft observed clear and successive FTE signatures with a repetition rate of 4 minutes for TC-1 to 8 minutes for Cluster, hence the existence of pulsed reconnection. The transverse size of the FTEs was estimated between 4500 and 24 000 km, in agreement with previous studies.
"The very clear signatures and the finite transverse sizes of the FTEs, observed both by TC-1 and Cluster, suggest the sporadic nature of the reconnection process, even for a period as long as ~8 hours", wrote Dr. Aurélie Marchaudon, lead author of this study published 08 November 2005 in Annales Geophysicae. Dr. Marchaudon is a scientist at the Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l'Environnement, Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Université d'Orléans, Orléans, France. [url] http://sci.esa.int/science-e/www/object ... ctid=40340[/url]
Reconnection - Triggered by Whistlers?
09 Jun 2008
In the 1990's, theoreticians found that in a narrow region close to a reconnection site (see light blue region in Figure 1), the electrons and protons move independently — instead of moving together, spiralling along magnetic field lines as they normally do. As a result, whistler waves are generated which can accelerate electrons to much higher velocities. In other words, a theoretical explanation was found for the fast release of magnetic energy during reconnection where whistlers play a key role (Drake et al, 2001).
Date: 12 Mar 2007 Satellite: Cluster Depicts: Different scales important in magnetic reconnection events Copyright: ESA Diagram showing the different scales involved in the magnetic reconnection process. When occuring in the Earth's magnetotail, these events accelerate local plasma towards Earth in the form of plasma jets.
On 21 August 2002, the constellation of Cluster satellites passed by a magnetic reconnection event, located some 120,000 km away from Earth — 1/3 of the distance to the Moon — near the center of the magnetotail (the night side of the magnetosphere). A recent study reports a detailed analysis of this event showing intense whistlers appearing about 30 seconds prior to reconnection. This is a potential triggering factor as they generate sufficient anomalous resistivity to allow magnetic reconnection to take place (for more on anomalous resistivity see "Cluster probes generalized Ohm's law").
The whistlers were found to be greatly enhanced when reconnection kicked off (Figure 2). In addition, as reconnection proceeded, the wave frequency became higher and higher. The fact that spectral characteristics of the whistler waves are observed to be different before and after the start of reconnection suggests that they were produced by different mechanisms.
"The data collected by the four Cluster satellites on 21 August 2002 suggest that whistler waves prior to reconnection may play an important role in triggering reconnection", says Dr. Jinbin Cao, corresponding author of this study published in the Journal of Geophysical Research.
"This new result will certainly help constrain theoreticians and their computer simulations to better model magnetic reconnection as detailed observations in space are scarce. However, the triggering of reconnection remains an open question. Future missions like the ESA/JAXA Cross-Scale project and the NASA MMS mission will hopefully provide the tools to pinpoint the triggering mechanism", underlines Philippe Escoubet, Cluster project scientist and Cross-Scale study scientist at the European Space Agency.
I was coaxed to look back to the day of this substorm (Feb. 3 2007) to get an idea of lunar position. I was surprise, and delighted, to find that the full moon duration was from the 2nd to the 4th of february. This is amazing.
Also, the mention of a distance of 1/3 the distance to the moon sure brings in an interesting perspective and raises my curiosity further, especially in light of an additional item that may be note worthy, it involves an outbreak of tornados on the 2nd. I'll let that remain as a curiosity to be added to the Hyper-sensitive Solar System data. d..z
Hopefully you experts can provide an explanation for something I just observed. I was looking at Arizona's meteor crater on Google Earth and I realized how nearly square that feature is. (The corners are rounded, but the sides look straight.) Am I seeing this correctly? Could an impact create such a shape?
Re: Arizona's meteor crater - square?
Oh yeah popster, Meteor Crater is really a difficult one for 'impact' explanation. Not that I can give a sound alternative, but I'm inclined to think that plasmas are more prone to creating geometric shapes than are impacts of rocks and things.
Try this TPOD for starters, then have a look through the other TPODs relating to craters. Happy reading!
Cheers, Dave Smith.
Siberian crater
A crater has just finished being drilled into : http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/20 ... 081425.htm "Ther formation of such a crater, and the central peak, is a very rapid process – within a minute so so, a mountain of several kilometers in diameter is uplifted out of the ground by 1 to 2 kilometers!"
Very interesting ! Mo
"new" EU crater discovered on Earth or a doline?
1st image - Bahrija, Malta - satellite image showing EU and secondary rim shot crater? 2nd image - "Mickey Mouse" Carolina bay (craters) 3rd image - "mini crater", part of a chain beside the suspected Bahrija EU crater
The satellite image appears to show a relatively small crater. It is on the outskirts of the village and the flat bottom is used to grow crops. It has a raised rim around about half of its circumfernce, similar to Carolina Bays. There is a distinct flat secondary crater on its west side, which would seem to confirm it is an Electric Universe crater and not a natural depression. The crater would be like the Carolina Bays (rim may be higher though?) and not deep like Meteor crater. I have not seen a Carolina bay so can not compare them with authority.
It has not been noticed as an impact crater but I found mention of it as a doline. I guess this is due to its size and the fact it is not a "deep crater", as it cuts into the side of the hill top that Bahrija is built on.
This series of photographs are taken from the north rim and show the basin like nature.
There is also a series of mini craters making up a mini crater chain and some crazy rock lines that look like discharge or strike lines.
What do people think? Does it look like a crater, does the evidence support it or could it be a "natural depression" like a doline?
Impact Craters and Iridium
Greetings. I find the EU theory to be interesting but I have one question with regards to asteroids. Do not take this question as being antagonistic.
According to general EU theory, most asteroids are blown up before they hit the Earth:
"The internal electrical stress caused by the discharge of the interloping asteroid or comet will generally cause it to detonate like an exploding capacitor—just as comets have frequently exploded "inexplicably" as they moved toward the Sun on their elongated orbits." http://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2006/ ... teroid.htm
In addition:
"No one has witnessed a 'killer asteroid' hitting a rocky planet, and there is no proof that so-called 'impact craters' were formed by impacts at all."
I suppose my question is this, then. How does the EU theory account for the large abundance of iridium found at impact craters across the planet? In general, "[i]ridium is one of the least abundant elements in the Earth's crust; with an average mass fraction of 0.001 ppm in crustal rock." It is mostly found in "igneous deposits (crustal intrusions from below)" and "impact craters." (Wiki)
In particular, a thin layer of iridium was found at the K–T boundary, about 65 million years ago. This has largely been attributed to the Chicxulub crater in the Yucatán. How does EU Theory explain these?
Re: Impact Craters and Iridium
In "Primordial Star", there is mention that the Chicxulub crater has little iridium.
Re: Impact Craters and Iridium
The Iridium is formed by transmutation during a high electrical discharge. This is unproven but very likely. Mo
nick c
Re: Impact Craters and Iridium
hello blindhammer,
I suppose my question is this, then. How does the EU theory account for the large abundance of iridium found at impact craters across the planet?
I think that during the process of electric discharges on planetary scales the transmutation of elements would take place. The iridium layer would have been created in that process. Of note is the structure of the iridium layer, it is characterized as being composed of spherules:
Spherules are a signature of electrical discharge, see: [url2=http://absimage.aps.org/image/MWS_APR05-2004-000006.pdf]Plasma Generated Spherules[/url2] by Dr C J Ransom and Wal Thornhill. [The paper refers to spherules (blueberries) on Mars however, the same process applies to spherules in the iridium layer on Earth.] also see the TPOD [url2=http://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2006/arch06/060130crater.htm]The Mystery of Chicxulub Crater[/url2]:
Indeed, more than 99 percent of the global iridium layer is made up of spherules--droplets that condensed from vaporized rock. Only the remaining 1 percent of the debris consisted of rock pulverized directly into dust. The spherule-producing ability of discharges has been demonstrated in lab experiments. Also, the electromagnetic pinch effect in a discharge channel can generate extremely large pressures, sufficient to shock quartz crystals. The axial acceleration of the discharge will pull debris away from the surface and high into the atmosphere, even into space, and the fallout of unsorted material will be influenced more by electrical and near-space factors than by lower atmospheric circulation.
The fact that iridium is found with frequency in space rocks is probably because the numerous pieces of debris in our solar system were electrically machined off the surfaces of the various planets. So the iridium could have been put there by the same process that created iridium layers in Earth's geological column.
nick c
Re: Impact Craters and Iridium
Hrm, interesting. I'll do some researching on spherules. Thanks for the answers!
nick c
Re: Impact Craters and Iridium
Here is an old thread on the same subject: [url2=http://www.thunderbolts.info/forum/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=191]Iridium as a marker for impacts[/url2]? Some interesting stuff.