Iron Sun Aether Converter Discussion
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'13-09-09, 06:47

Lloyd has collected all of my ideas and observations on the Iron Sun Aether Battery theory. Thank you so much for your work Lloyd.

I really should title it Iron Sun Aether Converter Theory because that a more accurate description keeping in line with conservation of energy. 

Here is the link to the Thunderbolt forum.

The sun is an iron sphere that acts like an aether converter converting aether into electricity.... The earth acts the same way in the it maintains a 4 million volt potential between the ionosphere and the ground when theoretically it should have discharged... 

Should I transfer all of that material to here? 

'13-09-09, 12:16
Charles Chandler
Baltimore, MD
That thread has already been imported into QDL:
We can import threads from phpBB boards (e.g., Thunderbolts), or vBulletin boards (e.g., JREF, BAUT/CosmoQuest). If you know of threads that would be useful to have in QDL, just let me or Lloyd know, and we'll do it, or we'll show you how, if it's a lot of them. ;)
I "think" that all of the threads on astronomy that we've imported are somewhere in this folder, so check there first.
'13-09-17, 01:21
St. Louis area

Brant, you suggest that the main evidence for a hollow, solid iron, aether converter Sun model are:

  1. "Mysterious Iron Factories in the Early Universe";
  2. Myths;
  3. TRACE(?) running difference images;
  4. Coronal loops;
  5. Magnetostrictive properties;
  6. Mass fractionation data [from] Oliver Manuel's Iron Sun page at http://www.thesunisiron.com/;
  7. The right dimensions to receive the 160 minute (?) cycle wave length of a hollow sphere;
  8. The solar moss is just a part of the solid surface below the photosphere that is at a different potential and is therefore glowing, instead of extending into the chromosphere;
  9. The depth of the surface is based on opacity and the location of White Light flares.


Hollow Sun: I recently mentioned evidence for the hollow Sun here in the Science Discussion section. Did you see that?

Sunspots: How do you explain differential rotation of the Sun, as shown by sunspot motions?

Solar Moss: If the solar moss were below the photosphere, how would it be visible through the photospheric granules and supergranules?

Coronal Loops: If the coronal loops are electric discharges from the iron surface, why would there be arcs above the solid iron body? How could there be an electrical potential difference from one location on the sphere to another? Would there be analogy to cathode spots? If so, what exactly is the analogy?

Myths: The ancient myths don't talk about the Sun. They talk about Saturn. So how can you use them as evidence for the Sun?

Iron Factories: Are the iron factories said to be supernovae? Aren't supernovae too rare to produce so many iron stars? Aren't they also based on poor models, such as perfectly symmetrical explosions and implosions etc? Here's a quote from the Iron Factories paper:


The new observations presented here paint an extreme picture of the center of the quasar APM 8279+5255: there must have been a whole "fireworks" of supernovae at the quasar's center to produce the large amount of iron observed. In addition, in order to explain the high luminosity of APM 8279+5255 and the huge outflow of matter from its center many solar masses of stardust have to be swallowed, and partly blown out again, every year (figure 1).

So on top of the questionable supernovae assumptions they seem to have even more questionalbe assumptions about quasars, namely that they're extremely distant and luminous, when the quasar in front of a galaxy proves that their redshift does not indicate their distance and therefore they are not so luminous. So what is the significance of the quasar data? Does iron abundance in quasars disprove Charles' natural tokamak theory of quasars?

'13-09-18, 03:43

Lloyd questions in blue.

Hollow Sun:
 I recently mentioned evidence for the hollow Sun here in the Science Discussion section. Did you see that?

I did not see the evidence for the hollow sun Lloyd. Can you point that out to me.

Sunspots: How do you explain differential rotation of the Sun, as shown by sunspot motions?

In an iron shell model you would have what I am calling "macroscopic currents" because they are tradition currents in a metal conductor but the scale is so large the speed of light does not normally enter into the equation. The time it takes to equalize 2 sections of disparate charge is not done in micro seconds anymore. For instance the earth is 41851443 feet in diameter. At 1 nano second per foot 41851443 * (1 / 1 000 000 000) = 0.041851443 @ light speed to cross the earth. Now imagine its a lot slower because of magnetic fields and resistivity(slowing the plasma down which causes more particles to be "in the way", causing more absorption and reemission)...

Solar flare sizes

It take a finite amount of time if there is a change in local charge to equalize with a zone that is 50,000Km away... The hot iron has a higher resistivity than the plasma layer that covers it and the plasma is the path of least resistance.

Then you have to explain how the CME moves out into space. 

Initially the surface is heated up thermo emission which causes more heating by ion backscatter from the surface plasma. Now you have a plasma with a lower path of resistance that develops a current across 2 unequalized sections. As more plasma is created the current grows and starts to act like a rail gun or Jacobs ladder. Then longitudinal forces take over and propel the CME out into space like a huge particle rail gun.

Longitudinal electrodynamic forces - and their possible technological applications
Master of Science Thesis by Lars Johansson,

"Anomalous cathode reaction forces varying in proportion to the square of the input current were first identified separately by Tanberg and Kobel, in 1930, during studies of cathode vaporization in "vacuum"-arc discharges (VADs) and stationary cathode spots (1,2)" 

Now we get to what powers the surface. Macroscopic electric currents in the shell, what they call the "solar Conveyor".

The solar conveyor electric current flows in several latitudes on the solar surface. As the current belt precesses around the equator producing the butterfly pattern, the sun spots that are powered by the current, follow the current, which may not be the same speed as the actual iron surface. The same action happens with the current belt that flows around the upper latitudes. Part of the reason for the precession is that the Aether has a kinetic component to it... Because iron is magnetostrictive it vibrates in response to regular oscillations in the current flow producing acoustic waves in the shell(helioseismology) which are picked up by HMI and the previous MDI satellites at the solar iron surface. HMI observes the full solar disk in the Fe I absorption line at 6173Å with a resolution of 1 arc-second...

So the differential rotation is an artifact of the marcoscopic current flow precessing in the shell. 

Solar Moss: If the solar moss were below the photosphere, how would it be visible through the photospheric granules and supergranules?

There is a huge wavelength/brightness dependence in a thin plasma like the photosphere. I also noticed this in my simulation with TOPBASE, that at high brightness - 171nm(EUV and UV) seems to show through the photosphere as noticed by TRACE. It also of course depends on the angle that TRACE is looking at.

Coronal Loops: If the coronal loops are electric discharges from the iron surface, why would there be arcs above the solid iron body? How could there be an electrical potential difference from one location on the sphere to another? Would there be analogy to cathode spots? If so, what exactly is the analogy?

See above 

Myths: The ancient myths don't talk about the Sun. They talk about Saturn. So how can you use them as evidence for the Sun?

Here is a song that says somthing about the sun. This is one that I can find. I have a feeling that anything that I am looking for will be in some other language....

Marathi song by Vasantrao Deshpande: 
"Tejonidhi lohagol, bhaaskar he gaganaraaj, divya tujhyaa tejaane jhagamagale bhuvan aaj; he dinamani vyomaraaj..." 
...which translates as 
"O store of energy, ball of iron, O Sun, king of sky, the world scintillates with your powerful light. O gem of the day, king of brightness, ..." ** 

**Another translation is: 
"Red, Hot like iron, round like a fire ball. The Sun is the king of the sky. He brightens this world everyday, each day with his radiance and glory..." 

'13-09-18, 16:12
Somebody said:
Iron Factories: Are the iron factories said to be supernovae? Aren't supernovae too rare to produce so many iron stars? Aren't they also based on poor models, such as perfectly symmetrical explosions and implosions etc? Here's a quote from the Iron Factories paper: The new observations presented here paint an extreme picture of the center of the quasar APM 8279 5255: there must have been a whole "fireworks" of supernovae at the quasar's center to produce the large amount of iron observed. In addition, in order to explain the high luminosity of APM 8279 5255 and the huge outflow of matter from its center many solar masses of stardust have to be swallowed, and partly blown out again, every year (figure 1). So on top of the questionable supernovae assumptions they seem to have even more questionalbe assumptions about quasars, namely that they're extremely distant and luminous, when the quasar in front of a galaxy proves that their redshift does not indicate their distance and therefore they are not so luminous. So what is the significance of the quasar data? Does iron abundance in quasars disprove Charles' natural tokamak theory of quasars?

See how they are saying that there are supernova in the core of a quasar?  Then there is Haltons Arps work with redshifting matter...

To be continued...

'13-09-22, 02:59
St. Louis area

I think this is the post I was referring to, Brant, regarding possible evidence for a hollow Sun. Click the link.

'13-09-22, 10:37
Charles Chandler
Baltimore, MD
High iron abundances don't disprove the "natural tokamak" model. NTs are nuclear fusion reactors, so fusion by-products (i.e., heavier elements) are to be expected.
'13-10-07, 04:25

Detection of Equatorward Meridional Flow and Evidence of Double-Cell Meridional Circulation inside the Sun

Determining the internal meridional flow is one important task in solar physics and yet one difficult challenge due to the low speed of the flow, which requires a careful analysis of potential systematic errors. In particular, recent studies have revealed a previously unreported systematic center-to-limb effect in the acoustic travel times measured by the time-distance technique (Zhao et al. 2012). The systematic travel-time variation depends on the angular distance from the solar disk center, and exhibits different magnitude, sometimes even opposite signs, when measured using different HMI observables and using different measurement distances. It is not quite clear what causes this systematic effect, and a recent study suggested that it might be partially due to the interactions of acoustic waves with the vertical flows in solar granules (Baldner & Schou 2012). Zhao et al. (2012) suggested that this systematic effect should be removed before inverting the measured acoustic travel times for interior meridional flow, and proposed to use the travel-time shifts measured in the east-west direction along the equator as proxies of the systematic effect. Their inversion results, after removal of this effect following their suggested method, showed a reduction of ~ 10 m s" in the inverted meridional flow speed (Zhao et al. 2012). We believe that this systematic effect was responsible for many past helioseismology study failures to reliably detect the equatorward meridional flow, and that the removal of this effect will play an important role in studying the meridional flow in the solar interior.



'13-10-22, 00:51

"A study published in Nature today shares the discovery that large-scale upwelling within Earth's mantle mostly occurs in only two places: beneath Africa and the Central Pacific. More importantly, Clinton Conrad, Associate Professor of Geology at the University of Hawaii – Manoa's School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST) and colleagues revealed that these upwelling locations have remained remarkably stable over geologic time, despite dramatic reconfigurations of tectonic plate motions and continental locations on the Earth's surface.

"For example," said Conrad, "the Pangaea supercontinent formed and broke apart at the surface, but we think that the upwelling locations in the mantle have remained relatively constant despite this activity."

Conrad has studied patterns of tectonic plates throughout his career, and has long noticed that the plates were, on average, moving northward. "Knowing this," explained Conrad, "I was curious if I could determine a single location in the Northern Hemisphere toward which all plates are converging, on average." After locating this point in eastern Asia, Conrad then wondered if other special points on Earth could characterize plate tectonics. "With some mathematical work, I described the plate tectonic 'quadrupole', which defines two points of 'net convergence' and two points of 'net divergence' of tectonic plate motions."

When the researchers computed the plate tectonic quadrupole locations for present-day plate motions, they found that the net divergence locations were consistent with the African and central Pacific locations where scientists think that mantle upwellings are occurring today. "This observation was interesting and important, and it made sense," said Conrad. "Next, we applied this formula to the time history of plate motions and plotted the points - I was astonished to see that the points have not moved over geologic time!" Because plate motions are merely the surface expression of the underlying dynamics of the Earth's mantle, Conrad and his colleagues were able to infer that upwelling flow in the mantle must also remain stable over geologic time. "It was as if I was seeing the 'ghosts' of ancient mantle flow patterns, recorded in the geologic record of plate motions!"



Location of upwelling in Earth's mantle discovered to be stable


New model of Earth's interior reveals clues to hotspot volcanoes


New model of Earth's interior reveals clues to hotspot volcanoes

'13-10-26, 02:27
St. Louis area

As Mike Fisher explains at newgeology.us, and as Cardona concurs, plate tectonics occurred just a few thousand years ago, so there hasn't been all that much time for the quadrupoles to be stable. Brant, do you disagree with Fisher for any reason?

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