
Re: Mathis' Charge Field Pro & Con

Repulsion. I think one of Mathis' first questions was, What is charge? What is the repulsive force between particles, i.e. between proton and proton and between electron and electron?

It must be something that has mass and radius and it apparently must likely be emitted by each particle.

Then the question is, Why couldn't the cause be photons?

Quantum mechanics concluded that photons have no mass or radius, for math reasons. But Mathis found that QM is full of errors.

Requirements for Existence. My next questions are, How can anything exist without mass and radius? And how can anything have any effect on matter that doesn't have mass or radius? Isn't space the only thing that exists without mass?

Since it's fairly inconceivable that anything without mass or radius could exist or have any effect on matter, it seems that photons must have mass and radius.

Photon Emission. If photons have mass and radius and are emitted by particles, particles must lose mass upon emission. But, since they don't lose mass, they must first receive the photons, which they then emit.

Since it's known that photons travel in both transverse and longitudinal wave motions, the wave motion must likely be the result of gyroscopically stacked spins. And gyroscopic wave motion must likely be caused by photon collisions.

Photons to Particles. Since the gyroscopic motions make photons bigger, where there is greater photon density and more collisions, photons could become as big as electrons and then even protons. These particles could be made of single photons with stacked gyroscopic spins. And the spins could cause the intake and emission of photons. The particle size and photon density would cause the particles to lose most of their velocity.

Transition in Stars. The place where photon density is greatest and where collisions would form particles would be in galactic centers and in stars.

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