
quasars iron and supernova.....
© brant
Somebody said:
Iron Factories: Are the iron factories said to be supernovae? Aren't supernovae too rare to produce so many iron stars? Aren't they also based on poor models, such as perfectly symmetrical explosions and implosions etc? Here's a quote from the Iron Factories paper: The new observations presented here paint an extreme picture of the center of the quasar APM 8279 5255: there must have been a whole "fireworks" of supernovae at the quasar's center to produce the large amount of iron observed. In addition, in order to explain the high luminosity of APM 8279 5255 and the huge outflow of matter from its center many solar masses of stardust have to be swallowed, and partly blown out again, every year (figure 1). So on top of the questionable supernovae assumptions they seem to have even more questionalbe assumptions about quasars, namely that they're extremely distant and luminous, when the quasar in front of a galaxy proves that their redshift does not indicate their distance and therefore they are not so luminous. So what is the significance of the quasar data? Does iron abundance in quasars disprove Charles' natural tokamak theory of quasars?

See how they are saying that there are supernova in the core of a quasar?  Then there is Haltons Arps work with redshifting matter...

To be continued...

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