

Hello Charles!

Thank you so much for posting this on your blog. I will need your help in the development of this simple understanding: Star evolution is planet formation. As I see though I have a lot of catching up to do!

I know this idea seems counterintuitive, but that is only because we have been conditioned since grade school to believe that stars and planets are mutually exclusive. They are only as separate and as different as a catapiller walking, a pupa just hanging on a branch doing perceivingly nothing and a butterfly flying. Planets and stars are one in the same, only their appearances and stages of metamorphosis give the impression that they are mutually exclusive. Of course young stars like the Sun can't host life on their surfaces, but caterpillars can't fly either!

Besides this physical foundation to 21st century science I really have essentially started from scratch. I'm just glad I don't have to unlearn the fusion/math models of the establishment. I'm also glad to have a young age, I am 28. Hopefully I have a good 50 years to battle the dogma as I am looking forward to each and every win against "the dark side".

I hope all is well and thank you very much for introducing me to this method for theory development. I hope to be of service to humanity.

-Jeffrey Wolynski

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