
Re: Mathis & Aetherometry

Hi. Should I call you T? Welcome to Charles' website. I'm glad to have someone to discuss with who's familiar with Mathis' material and hopefully has some time to discuss.

Would you like to mention your background a little? Do you have education in physics or other science? How much of Mathis' material have you read and understood fairly well? I haven't read a lot on relativity or QM etc, but most on electrical forces, astronomy, the gravity papers etc.

Would you be able to discuss with me and possibly one or more others at a set time each week or something? I could get a list of questions wrote up in advance etc.

Miles and Charles have the best material that I can understand well. Then Brant and Michael have a lot of helpful additional info. Their theories are interesting too, but they're harder for me to understand so far.

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