
Hi nje310,
Glad to see somebody using the site. Originally, I thought that it would catch on faster, as it's a useful exercise for people interested in severe weather, and it's fun. So I figured that if I built it, the people would come. But what I've learned, from this and other sites, and from other people that I've talked to, is that somebody has to evangelize a site in order for it to catch on. Unfortunately, I'm just not good at that. I'm a programmer, not a salesperson — what can I say? :) Anyway, you have to tell 2 friends. Then, if it actually has intrinsic merit, it will catch on. But if you just rely on people finding it with Google searches, and word spreading that way, it won't. Most people are going to look at how many other people are on a site, and judge the value that way. So who is going to get on board, when nobody else is already on board? :)
Yes, there are some minor inaccuracies. I'll see what I can do... :) The problem is that the map didn't come with the exact parameters for the Lambert Conical Projection that was used to generate it. So I just guessed at the parameters until I got it close. The inaccuracy varies east-west and north-south. After hours of guessing at the projection, scaling, and rotation, I figured I had it close enough. But I can generate a new map with known parameters, so I'll try that. Give me a few days.

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