
I agree about isolated vs. outbreak tornadoes. So I added a "density" factor (not as part of the scoring yet, but just another bit of information to look at). This is the number of events per 100 square miles in the outlook poly. You can also sort the outlooks by this factor, and you'll see that a small poly with a couple of events gets the same "density" score as a large poly with a lot of events, which is the way it ought to be. So I think I like this. I'm thinking that this should replace the percentage inside/nearby factors. The density factor still gives you partial credit for events within 100 miles of the outlook poly.
I'd just as soon rule out EF0s and EF1s, and base the whole thing on the major events (EF2+). But then you'd have to wait a couple of days to find out your score, and I don't even know where to get the data.

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