												© Charles Chandler
											// Thickness of Granite Layer
											$v['radius of earth (km)'    ] = $solSys->earth->radius_mean_km;                                // = 6371
											$v['volume of earth (km^3)'  ] = VolumeOfSphere($v['radius of earth (km)']);                    // = 1083206915608
											$v['volume of granite (km^3)'] = 7.581 * pow(10, 9);                                            // = 7581000000
											$v['radius of granite (km)'  ] = RadiusOfSphere($v['volume of granite (km^3)']);                // = 1218.6508505657
											$v['volume of basalt (km^3)' ] = $v['volume of earth (km^3)'] - $v['volume of granite (km^3)']; // = 1075625915608
											$v['radius of basalt (km)'   ] = RadiusOfSphere($v['volume of basalt (km^3)']);                 // = 6356.1023642403
											$v['thick of granite (km)'   ] = $v['radius of earth (km)'] - $v['radius of basalt (km)'];      // = 14.897635759708
											// Water Vapor Atmosphere
											// http://water.usgs.gov/edu/gallery/global-water-volume.html
											// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmosphere_of_Earth
											$v['density of dry air (kg/m^3)'     ] = 1.27;
											$v['density of water vapor (kg/m^3)' ] = 0.804;
											$v['density of liquid water (kg/m^3)'] = 1000;
											$v['mass of atmosphere (kg)'         ] = 5.15e18;
											$v['volume of oceans (m^3)'          ] = 1385954008.7 * pow(10, 9); // (km^3 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000) = m^3                 // = 1.3859540087e+18
											$v['density ratio (water/dry air)'   ] = $v['density of water vapor (kg/m^3)'] / $v['density of dry air (kg/m^3)'];      // = 0.63307086614173
											$v['volume ratio (gas/liquid)'       ] = $v['density of liquid water (kg/m^3)'] / $v['density of water vapor (kg/m^3)']; // = 1243.7810945274
											$v['mass of oceans (kg)'             ] = $v['volume of oceans (m^3)'] * $v['density of liquid water (kg/m^3)'];          // = 1.3859540087e+21
											$v['volume of boiled oceans (m^3)'   ] = $v['volume of oceans (m^3)'] * $v['volume ratio (gas/liquid)'];                 // = 1.7238233939055e+21

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