
Re: Core Freezing Over
Charles Chandler said:
Eventually, the star will have cooled to the point that the hydrogen and helium will no longer be ionized, and the electric fields will no longer be able to hold onto them. So the lighter elements will drift off, exposing the heavy-element core & atmosphere. The core will eventually freeze over, and then we'll call it a planet.
Wouldn't H & He be retained by the Sun's gravity, if the Sun cooled?*19043 Would red & brown dwarfs be as big as the Sun?*19045 Would flares be powerful enough to eject significant mass from cooler stars during each flare?*19046 Would a star's photosphere evolve into a gas giant's atmosphere? Or would it also evolve into the mantle & crust?*19048 You say the maximum size of a star (formed by a filament implosion?) should be 1.4 solar masses. Is there a minimum size as well? If .3 solar masses is the average, I assume that the minimum could be close to 0. In that case many planets could start out small. Right?*19050

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