
Exotic Stars
© Jeffrey J Wolynski

I think my common sense gets the best of me sometimes. 

Exotic stars. A star that is very strange...

In other words, in my mind: NOT A STAR!


See? yes, the exotic rats... oh you mean bats? Or... the exotic chimpanzees?... oh you mean humans?  

In a person's mind that has common sense, the word exotic stands out. Why would you give a star "exotic" properties? Oh yes, to keep it as a star, thus forcing all attributes of this "exotic" star to belong to ones we observe, which act normally.

No wonder astronomers/astrophysicists are so confused.  It's like they are literally staring at rats expected them to grow wings. Or looking at human babies and wondering why they are not covered in hair and climbing trees. That's the way astronomers/astrophysicists look at stars. 

Astrophysicists have had their common sense eviscerated from their minds via graduate school. Common sense? Who the hell needs that? We have perfect math equations and are standing on the shoulders of giants! Common sense is for the birds! 

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