
Re: Miles Mathis' Errors

Thanks, Richard. Feel free to mention your background, if you like.

Have you written any papers that show Mathis' errors in detail? If so, you should provide a link. Or if you know of such papers, links to them would be good to have.

But it's hard to tell if Mathis is the one who makes mistakes, or those who criticize him make mistakes. I imagine both do. I found a minor mistake that Mathis seemed to make and I told him about it. Offhand it seems to me that velocity squared could be acceleration of an area. Normal acceleration is distance per time {i.e. velocity} per time. It seems that distance times distance {i.e. area} per time per time could have a meaning. And dividing such an area acceleration by a distance would yield a normal acceleration. So, without checking out the example you gave, it seems possible that Mathis may have been correct, or you may be correct on this example.

I think Mathis is likely to be right about a lot of his major claims, such as universal spin, unified field formulae, no attractive forces, no virtual photons, photons with radius, spin and mass, no big bang, no black holes, and so on.

I think it's important to find out any major errors Mathis may have made, but finding errors doesn't discredit all claims, but only particular ones.

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