Part Three Comparison of Brant's and Thornhill's Models * Thornhill's illustration (from the Thunderbolts eBook "The Sun") shows a relatively warm/hot photosphere, above a relatively cooler internal atmosphere and a cool liquid / solid body below that. * The difference between Brant's model and Thornhill's is that the Sun's atmosphere below the photosphere is less than 20,000 km thick, instead of 200,000 km thick. Also, in Brant's model the solid shell covers a non-solid core.
Re: Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory
Eric: If you take a low pressure gas (in a bulb) and place it in 2 superimposed dielectric fields, then you get spiral formations such as Reich wrote about in his book Cosmic Superimposition. These formations appear as spheres, galaxies, and other cosmic forms. ... f=8&t=2882
"Luminous World" Baron Karl von Reichenbach In all of this, the Baron was progressively moving toward an astounding demonstration, which, he believed, would give an unequivocal explanation for the Aurora Borealis. An electromagnet, placed within a large hollow iron sphere, was examined in the darkroom under varying degrees of electrification. The Baron referred to the iron globe as his "terrella", or, "little earth". The electromagnet poised within this globe, he raised the rheostat in degrees. Sensitives clearly saw a very intensified color display, which proceeded from both poles toward the center. These intensely colored flames struck out across the outer globe surface in sharp, very bright flares. Observation taught that Od lights of such great extent did not adhere, but freely flowed over the surface of conductive materials.
Each such flare occurred as a sharp discharge from the pole surface, proceeding in radial directions. The colors varied across the polar surface along succinct radial directions outward: Od light meridians. Moreover, isolated filaments gathered the Od discharges into distinct bundles. These wandered over the outer globe surface in meandering flares, flickering to and fro like discharges. Together, these meandering radial flares produced a flashing multicolored display. He was convinced that magnetic Od produced the Aurora Borealis.
Iron Sun Evidence * This is another website devoted to Manuel's Iron Sun model: These two graphs from there make it easy to understand the Sun's composition. * Hydrogen, Helium, Oxygen, Carbon and Neon are shown as the most abundant elements on the Sun's surface, but it looks like Nitrogen is just as abundant as Neon. Also, Magnesium, Silicon, Iron and Sulfur are close behind Neon. * Iron appears to be far more abundant than anything else at about 10^7.74=56 million. Nickel looks about 10^6.14= 1.4 million. Oxygen looks about 10^6.06=1.1 million. Sulfur and Silicon are both very near 10^6.00=1 million. Both Neon and Argon look about 10^5.88=750,000. Magnesium is slightly lower, followed by Calcium, Chromium and Manganese. Boron and Helium are a bit over 100,000. Cobalt, Zinc, Carbon and Lead are very near 100,000 and Aluminum is just below that. * Lead may be the biggest surprise, to be so abundant, when it's so much denser than the others.
Re: Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory
* In the last graph above, it's hard to see the comparison between each of the element abundances composing the Sun, so I think this may help, showing a comparison of 1 dimension of volume (cu means cubed): 1) Fe=56=3.8cu; 2) Ni=1.4=1.1cu; 3) O,Si,S=1=1.0cu; 4) Ne,Ar=.91cu; 5) Mg=.87cu; 6) Ca,Cr,Mn=.8cu; 7) B,He=.6cu; 8) Co,Zn,C,Pb=.47cu; 9) Al=.45cu
Fred Hoyle stated in his autobiography, "Home Is Where the Wind Blows", that most of his acquaintances in the astrophysics community believed that the Sun was mostly iron during WWII — prior to development of the hydrogen bomb.
Re: Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory
I asked Chandler and Mozina: Do both of you consider Brant's hollow iron sphere model impossible? I think he says the solid iron shell is about 140,000 miles thick and inside I guess would be a gas, liquid, or maybe plasma. He considers gravity to be a surface effect. What about that?
Chandler replied: What is the reasoning in favor of a hollow sphere? Is it that it would act as a better antenna? I think I just don't understand what he's saying.
* I'll try to ask him, but I think he thinks it's iron because of the TRACE, THEMIS and SDO running difference images and the high amount of iron in the solar spectrum. I would guess he thinks it's hollow in order to account for the Sun's density, but, since he says gravity is a surface effect, I guess that would be contradictory. But I think he likes to compare the Sun to Birkeland's terella and to hollow electrodes. I think he gets the idea also from how geodes are formed hollow, apparently by electrical discharges to the Earth. * On the first page of this thread I quoted Brant as saying this:
#82- In experiments with arcs, hollow spherules are formed in intense arc explosions with metals. <<Brant says the Sun's iron shell is probably 1/3 of its radius, which would be about 144,000 miles thick.>> #82- A thick hollow shell made of iron with other trace elements alloyed with the iron formed in a supernova. #82- The hollow iron shell accounts for solar density measurements, although it requires a slightly different model of gravity.
Re: Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory
I noticed that there were no references to the website in any of the posts on this thread. I felt it did a fantastic job in describing the Birkeland Solar Model.
Re: Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory
As concerns a hollow iron spherule that formed when an arc discharge passed through molten iron, then what? For the next stage of the experiment, you have to take that cooled iron spherule, and to make it like a Sun, you have to initiate another arc discharge, so you'll get a photospheric effect around the edge of the spherule. The temperature should average 6,000 K, and it should be sustained. How are you going to keep that heat from permeating the iron shell, and converting the solid to plasma, at which time the hollow iron shell will fail?
Re: Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory
* Orrery said Mozina's site does a great job explaining the Birkeland solar model. His site wasn't mentioned on this thread, because this one is about Brant's theory, but Brant and Mozina have collaborated somewhat. Reports on Mozina and Charles's discussion are at this thread, which includes both of their websites. Now that they've discussed theirs quite a bit, I wanted to see if anything in Brant's theory might help theirs. * Charles, if you get time to read the earlier parts of this thread, you'll find a few answers to your questions. I don't think Brant says an electric current passed through molten iron to form the Sun. thinks the temperature of the surface of the photosphere is 5,800K only on average and that it includes extremely high temperatures of coronal loops etc, so he thinks the iron surface is only about 1,000K between hot spots and the hot spots are about 1 million K or so. He thinks electrons form within the iron shell and form electric currents outward, if I remember right.