2010-12-20, 04:32 Mashuna
Originally Posted by dafydd
So we can take it that you have no evidence?
I'm afraid you're unlikely to get an answer on this. The admins have deposited Arthur's sock puppet into the laundry bin of bannination.
2012-10-02, 13:37 Zeuzzz
Originally Posted by Tubbythin
My penis.
2012-10-02, 14:18 Reality Check
Originally Posted by Zeuzzz
Glad that you agree with what anyone with a little knowledge of astronomy can see: Anthony Peratt's Plasma Model of Galaxy Formation was a joke !
2012-10-02, 14:56 Zeuzzz
Originally Posted by Reality Check
Glad that you agree with what anyone with a little knowledge of astronomy can see: Anthony Peratt's Plasma Model of Galaxy Formation was a joke  !
I love you RC 
Maybe read my previous posts in this thread ?
In terms of it being a purely electromagnetic Biot Savart force law (1/x), that indeed is highly unlikely. Just look at any terrestrial EM field morphology. But if you read all my previous comments you will see that it's not quite as simple as discarding the entire model just due to the force used when considering the geometry of the relationships involved, the scale invariants and lack of empirical proof of how gravity works on cosmic scales.
2012-10-02, 16:37 Reality Check
Originally Posted by Zeuzzz
Maybe read my previous posts in this thread ?
...sniped repeated ignorance about the model and its flaws...
Did that months ago and you did not address the fatal problems with the model, i.e. it describes objects that do not exist in this universe !
Form the OP which you have ignored:
* Radio galaxies are almost universally hosted in elliptical galaxies. * The reason that spiral galaxies look like they have spiral arms is not because there are actual arms (with no matter in between them) but because they are "arms" of high mass density containing lots of bright young stars. The density of matter in between the arms is 10-20% less than the density of matter in the arms (not 100%).The mass distribution of elliptical galaxies is ellipsoidal so a plane through them produces various ellipses from nearly a circle to flattened to a large degree.The mass distribution of spiral galaxies is a central bulge contained within a flat disk along with a near-spherical halo outside the disk and bulge. The mass distribution of a plane running through the disk produces a disk with minor variations in density.
In addition:
- The model ignores gravity when a later paper by Peratt states that gravity is dominant.
- Peratts galaxy filaments should be easily detected
- His galaxy filaments are unstable.
- His filaments are created out of nothing (whic pc proonents say is impossible).
ETA: What are your posts in this thread?They include: