
Alien Sky Video Images of Ancient Saturn System
© Science Admins
By analyzing common themes in worldwide mythology, Dave Talbott, Dwardu Cardona et al have found that the best explanation of the myths is that Mars, Venus and Saturn were aligned above the Earth's north pole, when Venus, Mars and Earth were moons of Saturn as the Saturn system entered the solar system from outside and moved inward toward their present orbits.
Here some of the mythical symbols from around the world will be shown for side-by-side comparison.
Figure 1. Front view of Saturn system as seen from Earth (about 10,000 BP?): Mars in front of Venus, Venus in front of Saturn. (© Lloyd)
Figure 2. Side view of ancient Saturn system: Saturn (large), Venus (with rays) & Mars (very small). (© Lloyd)
Figure 3. Venus as crown or fire. (© Lloyd)
Figure 4. Venus as hand and Mars as eye or ball in hand. (© Lloyd)

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