
Comments on Statements #1-36
#10 is
Doubtful, so prove it please; my impression is that a random spray of particles in all directions would repel electrons as much as protons, unless the spray were not random.
- #10 seems Not vital for his model.
#13a is
Untrue and Contradicts Battery Circuit paper which starts at #16.
- #13a seems Not vital either.
Contradict Battery Circuit paper.
- #13-15 seems Important to clarify, because the mechanism is different from that in the Battery Circuit paper.
#21 is
True, but it contradicts 13a.
- #21 seems Not vital.
#26 is
Unclear, the wire isn't ionized, is it?
- #26 seems Important to help clarity.
I think it does separate ions from electrons, doesn't it?
- #28 seems Not vital.
Please specify which ions are large and small in batteries. Is it protons and electrons?
- #30 seems Not vital.
The description that follows 35 doesn't seem clear enough for me.
- #34 seems Important to help clarity.
Others' comments are needed too.

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