MMS for Breast Cancer: Bulgaria

Breast Cancer
Why I love Breast Cancer [easy to cure]

I know this is a strange topic for a newsletter, but let me explain why. I am referring to the fact that we are "restoring health" to those that have breast cancer quicker than other cancers. Here are two recent testimonies from people that have stayed here at the Genesis II Church Restoration center in Bulgaria.

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Dear Bishops Mary & Mark,
Last night we met our dear mother Rosmary at Zurich airport, returning from 3 weeks treatment from you at your clinic in Bulgaria. It is impossible to put into words how much we appreciate all you have done for her. It goes much further now, as we are about to have Rosmary's 7th grandchild. Through Jim's & your work of constantly `"swimming against the tide" in this mad, mad world ruled by greed instead of need, you are creating a legacy of hope & love as opposed to misery & fear.

1 month ago there was pressure from family & friends to go & have her breast removed, followed by Chemo & Radio therapy, after which I watched my own mother die horribly 32 years ago. This morning Rosmary shoveled snow from the paths around her house completely healthy, happy & whole.

We want to express to you from the deepest recesses of our hearts...
Wishing you Love & Light
Roger, Diana & our unborn child.

• We have another woman who came from Macedonia that has had her tumor reduce significantly in 3 weeks and was diagnosed as having "no cancer" cells left in her breast tumor! We just have to the wait for the tumor to dissolve completely now.
Note: She is also diabetic and injecting insulin 4 times daily. Now, she is down to 2 doses a day and her blood sugar is fine! We are backing her off slowly and expect to have her off all insulin in a month!!

• We had a local Bulgaria woman come about 5 weeks ago with 6 tumors in her breast. One of the left side and 5 on the right side. After 4 weeks, she has only one left and it is very small!

So, you see why I love Breast Cancer? We hope many more come that have been suffering with this horrible disease!

We also are seeing great result with ovarian cancers as well. Here is a testimony from one of our health ministers in Colombia. (Originally in Spanish)

My name is Idaly Giraldo, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in November 2011. The doctors told me that he should operate on me ... as soon as possible because this cancer was very advanced. Surgery was by mid-December, 2011 and I was entering and leaving the clinic for a period of 2 months time during which my health did not improve since all the time I had water in the stomach and lungs, so it was connected to the tank of oxygen, not eating, not sleeping and not walking, and did not speak and lost weight dramatically. This is the reason why my family was already expect[ing] the worst.

I was sent home with 8 drugs including morphine, still dependent on the tank of oxygen, still hadn't walked and weighed about 35 kilos [80#] and still couldn't eat. I was being consumed slowly ... while my family was agonizingly watch[ing] and asking what else can we do for you?

On a certain day, my sister came to visit me with the MMS. She told me that it was a miracle mineral supplement that should do all what is possible to save my life and please take it. My first reaction was denial because it was in the midst of a terrible weakness that [I] did not think that [I] could withstand the side effects of which I had spoken; she and I started to cry. She continued to insist that it was our last resource and to please try it. I said to myself "if I do not go out of this abyss in which I find myself then nobody will get ... me out of here".

I resolved that I would do it with much faith and I started taking MMS. To my surprise I did not have any secondary reaction such as vomiting or diarrhea so I felt I should continue even with more determination taken. I must confess that I started to feel the benefits of the MMS from the day number one! It not only did not produce any adverse reaction but I started to feel an incredible appetite at the end of the day. I already asked for food and since then everything has been a wonderful process; the next week already gave my first steps, then manages to free me from the tank of oxygen, to feel that it renewed every day more and more.

 I said to myself I must now free myself from all these drugs therefore already felt no more pain. So, I wanted to devote myself only to take this wonderful supplement that I felt had brought so many benefits to my life. I started to gain weight 20 days and already went out into the street and already wanted to do things for myself.

Today I have my normal weight which is 57 kilos [125#], I now have a totally normal life, my last appointment with oncologist was on 20 November and examinations came normal. All those that [saw me] totally consumed by the disease saw a lot [and] are surprised to see me because they say I'm "a living miracle". I was scheduled for another cycle of 6 chemo therapies, but for the moment, the oncologist has indicated I didn't need it. I thank God a lot for this wonderful miracle and for allowing me to go on living! He is the one that put this wonderful help in my life.

Hopefully, this testimony will serve many people that have suffered from many of these terrible diseases that plague humanity. I read on the internet enough about this product and I have participated in forums on the internet with wonderful testimonies of people from many places in the world that have already experienced the benefits of this supplement. At the moment I have nothing more to add, if anyone has any questions about my case and my experience in particular, do not hesitate communicate with me. Thank you very much for reading this testimony.
Cordially, Idaly Giraldo

We have more people that have stayed at the center that are waiting for test results. Here is one that is very close to having his "health restored" completely.

• Hi everyone, My name is Gabe, a 47 yr. old man coming from China. I was diagnosed stage IV follicular NH lymphoma in August 2010. It had extended into spleen, bones and bone marrow. Went through the full six chemo cycles as recommended from my oncologist/hematologist. Tumors disappeared almost entirely after that treatment. However, only five months later they came back. I have checked with oncologists in Europe, America, China and Hong Kong. They all consider my specific type/sub-type of cancer to be non-curable. On top of that two weeks ago I experienced a life-threatening situation because I also developed leukemia and it was quickly turning my blood totally out of control. I was in Hong Kong then and had no other choice but to take a new chemo shot (VCP), which bought me some time. I am scheduled to get another shot in the middle of December 2012.

However, we all know (the oncologists were honest with me) chemo won't cure me. So I decided to immediately fly to this Restoration Center in Bulgaria, with the hope of not needing to take any more chemo. Today I have completed my second day of treatment, so it is still a long way to go but I'd like to share my impression so far about this place.

When Bishop Mary on the initial emails said she would be available for taking care of me around the clock, I obviously took that with a pinch of salt. I never expected that promise to be fulfilled. Well, guess what? I have received an amazing care, yes, around the clock. Of course I try to cause as less trouble as possible but I am impressed with the dedication of this team. I would describe their approach as holistic, respectful, compassionate, honest, optimistic, warm, human. I feel extremely happy that I landed in this Center.

Of course, the goal is to regain my health. I will be happy to share more news, in an honest way, as things develop. I may probably post some news weekly. If I get cured I will gladly publish my lab tests along all this journey. My sincere prayers for other patients that are suffering.

Here is the most recent update from Gabe: More news...
I came back home after 17 days of treatment in Bulgaria. Then I interrupted it for four days and I just restarted yesterday. One of the most important blood parameters to monitor regarding my leukemia is White Blood Count, which normally should be 4 to 10.

Before the chemo shot it was around 300.
After the chemo shot it went down to around 200.
After the treatment in Bulgaria it is now only 16!
Also, without exception, all the other blood markers that were out of range, are moving on the right direction. It is too early to claim victory, but certainly these are amazing and encouraging news. I will faithfully keep taking the CDS protocol here at home. One month from now will post more news. I have been so disappointed with other alternative treatments in the past that I am maybe too cautious, but I am determined to give MMS a fair chance.

My prayers on behalf of all other patients, My gratitude to Bishops Mary, Mark and all the others at the Bulgaria Center, and my best wishes to all.

 • We also, have test results form a young man with HSV 1 & 2, (Herpes) that had a blood test just one week after being on the protocols and his is already the borderline of being totally negative!! He is having another test today after 2 more weeks of being on the protocols. We expect great results form him. Either way he will continue at home for another 3 weeks and has learned to do the maintenance doses to keep his "health restored"
 • We've had an man that was HIV Positve for 10 days here just as we opened the center. He passed 3 HIV tests and all were negative!!!
So, now we have in 2 months [treated] successfully here at the Center:
1. Breast Cancers
2. HIV
3. MRSA, Staph.
Note: Leukemia, HSV 1&2 (Herpes), Diabetes, and others cancers are well on the[] way to "Restored Health"

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