Energy density calculations for ball-lightning-like luminous silicon balls
Type:    Journal, Article
Title:    Energy density calculations for ball-lightning-like luminous silicon balls
Author(s):    Paiva, G. S.; Ferreira, J. V.; Bastos, C. C.; Santos, M. V.; Pavão, A. C.
Date:    2010/05/11
Abstract:    The energy density of a luminous silicon ball [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 048501 (2007)] is calculated for a model with a metal core surrounded by an atmosphere of silicon oxides. Experimental data combined with the molecular orbital calculations of the oxidation enthalpy lead to a mean energy density of 3.9 MJ m−3, which is within the range of estimates from other ball lightning models. This result provides good evidence to support the silicon-based model.
Publisher:    IOP Publishing
Journal (full):    Physics-Uspekhi
Volume:    53
Issue:    2
Start Page:    209
Link:    http://iopscience.iop.org/1063-7869/53/2/A06
Link (PDF):    http://iopscience.iop.org/1063-7869/53/2/A06/pdf/1063-7869_53_2_A06.pdf

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