Like operating systems, and many other types of software, QDL allows you to organize information, setting up folders so that you can find related stuff in the future. Then, you can open & close the folders by clicking icons (known as "disclosure widgets") to see what's inside.
Windows Explorer
Windows Explorer
Macintosh Finder
Macintosh Finder
Solaris File Manager
Solaris File Manager
The difference is that in QDL, you can even open & close the actual documents right there inside the folders. In other words, operating systems allow you to browse through folders to find files, but to "browse" the contents of a file, you have to double-click it, to open it in the associated viewing/editing application. In QDL you don't have to do that — you can open (and even edit) the file in place, eliminating the distraction of having to change contexts to get into the document itself.
This makes for an extremely fast and natural workflow. You don't realize how much time and effort you've been wasting in context changes until you use a system that eliminates all of that.

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