Using "New Post" Markers
You can also designate just a portion of the document to be broken out into a new sub-post by with the New Post mechanism.
  1. Select the text that is to go into the sub-post.
  2. Click the New Post button (new page button). This inserts markers to show where the new sub-post will begin and end.
When you save the parent post, a new sub-post is created, with the text that was inside the markers, and in place of that text, the parent post will now have a link to that sub-post. Then you can edit the sub-post, and change the title.
Here's what it looks like in the full-screen editor:
Here is the text that I want broken out into a new sub-post.
After saving the post, there will be a link that looks like this:
Note that if you edit the parent post again, you'll see that the link is there, but it won't have an Action Menu icon () or a disclosure widget (). This is because the added functionality of QDL navigation is not available inside the editor.

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