Rapid Accumulation and Lithification of Sediment
[OAB 79,80] The article referred to by OAB (from a 1975 issue of Creation Research Society Quarterly) claims that sediments are allegedly accumulating and lithifying so fast that 20,000 years will account for all the rocks we see. However, the only justification given for this claim are "unpublished calculations" by the author (ICR founder Henry Morris). After writing to ICR for more information, I was told that the calculations "refer to the amount of time that it takes cement to cure because this is analogous to sedimentary rock formation." This, in fact, is not a good analogy because cement contains components that cause it to harden much faster than any sedimentary rock. A simple excursion to your nearest riverbed, observing that the sediment is still sandy years after being deposited, will make it obvious that sediments do not harden into rock as quickly as cement.

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