Simplified Strategy: List Facts in a Wiki
© Lloyd

1. List primary facts and a hierarchy of facts under each primary fact in a constantly improving Wiki Encyclopedia.
Here are apparently primary facts:

The Universe - Galaxy Filaments - Great Voids - Galaxy Clusters - Galaxies - Galactic Bulges - Interstellar Medium - Galactic Halos - Star Clusters - Stars & Ringstars - Planets & Moons - Asteroids, Comets & Meteors - Dust & Matter - Radiation - Space & Time - Life - Conscious Beings - Intelligent Beings - Society - Spirit

Suggested Directions
Quote main facts & claims from Wikipedia on each of the above topics.
List which claims are improbable.
List facts that disprove each improbable claim.


2. List a hierarchy of studies for society
a. End political corruption & find optimum organization
b. End science corruption & improve science

'17-04-09, 17:59
St. Louis area


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