
Wish List

Charles, is this a suitable place to mention things I'm curious about regarding planets etc that you haven't covered yet?*16143 At any rate, here are a couple things.

1. How did sedimentary rock strata form? You're often good at seeing the big picture and filling in the details, but it seems you haven't thought much about this yet. The conventional theory seems to be full of absurdities. The Great Flood theory seems to be most logical to me, combined with the Shock Dynamics theory.

The conventional theory is that strata and fossils take thousands to millions of years to form. But delicate fossils and large ones could not form in conventional flood or sedimentation events.*16757 I don't think it's even proven that conventional sedimentation forms strata. There has to be a lot of lime or other cementing agent available to form rock strata. I don't know if rock can form under water until the water is drained away. Most rock strata cover hundreds or thousands of square miles. There would have to be a lot of very huge lakes that filled with sediment. The sediment would have had to move over the entire lake bottom with nearly equal thickness, whereas normally sediment only accumulates near the mouths of rivers or creeks. Erosion would have to bring in just sand with some lime for thousands of years, then bring in just lime for thousands of years, and then just mud for many more thousands of years, because each rock type is usually separate in strata several inches to feet thick. All of the mountains would be eroded down in a few million years, so where would the older strata come from? Would something keep building up mountains to get eroded back down? Is anything besides a Shock Dynamics event capable of building up mountains?

Creation scientists have shown that a global flood would be capable of cavitating the edges of a supercontinent to form continent-wide strata of sand, lime and mud sediments via tsunamis, caused by a large body temporarily orbiting the Earth on a highly elliptical orbit, which would also fossilize large and delicate organisms quickly. What do you think?

2. I just read that the rim of Wolfe Creek Crater in Australia, I think, and the rim of Mare Imbrium on the Moon both have high thorium content. I assume the thorium was transmuted from a more common element during thermonuclear explosion during impacts. Have you thought about such transmutation byproducts from such explosions?*16663 Or do you want to? Do you suppose the thorium could be dated? I don't know if thorium is common in many, most, or all impact crater rims. But maybe someone does.

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