Dusty Plasma Collapse
												Dusty Plasma Collapse
												© Charles Chandler
												To find the time to implosion for a dusty plasma, I have to accelerate all
												of that mass. But some of it comes from the outer reaches, and some of it
												travels much less distance. I guess I could just calculate the time it takes
												for the outer 1/10 to collapse.
												It would be more accurate if I used the actual mass of the dusty plasma
												(i.e., the same as that of the Sun). Knowing the volume of the dusty plasma,
												I can find the mass per 10 cubic meters, and assign all of that mass to a
												point source, assuming that it's all packed into a Debye cell at the center.
												Then I can calculate the gravity between that point source, and all of the
												others, in an HCP closest packed arrangement of 57 of them. Knowing the
												gravitational body force, I can scale the gravity and the electric force
												that I got in previous calcs, which didn't use realistic amount of matter,
												but which did yield the correct proportions of the forces, given the degree
												of ionization.
											function SciNotToFloat($str) {
											$str = str_replace('&minus;', '-', $str);
											$str = str_replace('&thinsp;&times;&thinsp;10<sup>', 'e', $str);
											$str = StripOneTailer($str, '</sup>');
											return $str;
											define('neutralsPerIon', pow(10, 14)); // degree of ionization
											$nucMass = 150 * neutralsPerIon * p;
											$totalDistance = RadiusOfSphere(5.9460543541638e48);
											$stepDistance = $totalDistance / 100;
											$debyeCellMass = 3.345243554e-19; // kg/m^3
											$outputRows = Row('
											$v = 0;
											$forcesPerSpacingPg = GetPageByID(13885);
											$tmp = array_reverse(TableToArray($forcesPerSpacingPg->contents));
											foreach($tmp as $row) {
											if (is_numeric($row[0])) {
											$d = $row[0]; // center-to-center spacing (in meters, from 0 to 10)
											$e = SciNotToFloat($row[1]); // electric force
											$g = SciNotToFloat($row[2]); // gravity
											$a = ($e + $g) / $nucMass; // acceleration = force divided by the mass
											$t = sqrt(($stepDistance / $t) / (.5 * $a));
											$v = $v + ($a * $t);
											if ($d >= 1) $outputRows .= Row(
											Cell(1,                            $d,   'center').
											Cell(1, nbsp(1).ScientificNotation($e, 2).nbsp(1)).
											Cell(1, nbsp(1).ScientificNotation($g, 2).nbsp(1)).
											Cell(1, nbsp(1).ScientificNotation($a, 2).nbsp(1)).
											Cell(1, nbsp(1).ScientificNotation($t, 2).nbsp(1)).
											Cell(1, nbsp(1).ScientificNotation($v, 2).nbsp(1))
											if (1) echo Table($outputRows, 'standard');
											// http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-calculate-time-and-distance-from-accelerati.html
											// d = .5 * a * t^2
											// t = sqrt(d / (.5 * a))
											// a = f / m

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