
Electron = ½ vortex. Problem solved?

After thinking about the electron's shape I came up with a model that might just work:

Each electron is one side of a 4D vortex. The connection between the electrons is the tube of the 4D vortex.

From the top a 3D vortex is always a circle, and a 4D vortex is always a sphere.


Electrons are practically always paired: spin-up & spin-down. In super conductivity this connection is responsible for the current.

When 2 electrons join a band in a atomic structure, the vortex becomes one structure as if there is only one object around the atom. Just as we can perceive.


I can put this model in a computer and test its behavior.

Possible observations:

Anti-electrons of certain spin will not interact with electrons of other type of spin. The dimensions may not match up. The tubes may interact though.
Possible elimination of one electron when its pair is absorbed by a anti-electron.

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