Additional Sources
© Lloyd, Charles Chandler
"IT'S A YOUNG WORLD AFTER ALL"- Ancient solstice shadow measurements etc show Earth's tilt was different 4400 years ago: https://www.creationism.org/ackerman/AckermanYoungWorldChap11.htm
"Startling Evidence for Noah's Flood" - Flood waters 300 ft deep moving 2 to 4 mph deposited some of the Grand Canyon sand strata: http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/cm/v15/n1/startling-evidence-for-noahs-flood
"Problems in the Glacial Theory" http://www.sentex.net/~tcc/gtprob.html
"A classic tillite reclassified as a submarine debris flow" http://creation.com/a-classic-tillite-reclassified-as-a-submarine-debris-flow
claimed ancient ice ages are very likely submarine debris flows
"The Yellowstone petrified forests" - http://creation.com/the-yellowstone-petrified-forests

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