
Re: Volcanism

I-Phone Magnetometer Experiment

In your TB forum thread on Volcanoes & CFDLs at http://thunderbolts.info/forum/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=14669&p=89145#p89129, you said:

I have been discussing my EM theory of the Seneca Guns with one of the leading experts, and with one of his graduate students. When I presented my reasons for thinking that the "Guns" are electrostatic discharges, and we started talking about instrumentation that could pick up the EMPs to prove it, one of them suggested that we could create a huge array of magnetometers just using iPhones, which have built-in magnetometers. (That's how iPhones know which way is up — they're using GPS to determine the location, and then the Earth's magnetic field to determine the X/Y/Z orientation at that location.) So now we have a person running an iPhone app that will register the EMP (if present) the next time she hears one of the booms. The same app could be used to register electric currents associated with volcanoes, earthquakes, and tornadoes. Currently, funding for the study of EM in these phenomena is hard to get. But there are a lot of iPhones out there, and the general public might be able to collect an overwhelming volume of data proving the presence of electric currents in these phenomena, totally bypassing the funding gate-keepers.

That's interesting, but exactly what can i-Phones tell you about magnetic fields? How would an i-Phone user be able to read the data? If you had enough info spelled out, maybe they could be alerted worldwide when the times for earthquakes are most likely to occur. Didn't you say they occur mostly in the winter and at new or full moons?*11406

Back to Dating

You say you don't know where to start on the problem of dating major events. How about if we just start posting relevant data on a thread? If you'd like to have a new thread on that, I can start one, or you could. I invited Gordon to your Volcano thread discussion and I see he showed up, although I don't know if it was because I alerted him. But anyway maybe he'd like to discuss the dating issue with us, if you would. Some of the data I know about are:

1. the dinosaur bones C14 dates and similar facts about dinosaur bones and ancient observations of possible dinosaurs, human footprints near dinosaur footprints and human remains in a dinosaur stratum, invluding Lloyd Pye's info;

2. some of Walter Brown's info on uranium, mammoths, grand canyon erosion, etc;

3. material at sedimentology.fr;

4. the ancients' many records about Saturn being the original Sun.

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