
Re: Chronologies & Dating Methods

Supercontinent Formation & Great Flood?

I'll compare Fisher's and Cardona's timelines and data etc for this.

Ted Holden shows that large dinosaurs could not have lived on land under current gravity and flying dinosaurs could not have flown in current conditions at http://www.bearfabrique.org/Catastrophism/sauropods/biganims.html . Earth may have rotated much faster, reducing gravity by centrifugal force, or the air may have been thicker, or Earth may have had weaker gravity.

Evidence of Dinosaurs and Man Together in South Carolina http://www.carewinnipeg.com/articles/15-creation-evidences/45-evidence-of-dinosaurs-and-man-together-in-south-carolina

Dinosaur Extinction 22,000 BP

Mike Fisher's data: http://newgeology.us/Dinosaur%20bones%20dated%20by%20Carbon-14.pdf

Shock Dynamics Impact & Supercontinent Breakup?

I'll compare Fisher's and Cardona's timelines and data etc for this too.

Mammoth Extinction 8,000 to 10,000 BP

By sequencing ancient mitochondrial DNA from soil samples and dating the soil,  Haile and his colleagues concluded that both mammoths and ancient horse species were still grazing Alaskan meadows some 7600 to 10,500 years ago - http://heatherpringle.com/tag/megafauna-extinction/

Saturn System Breakup 4,500 BP

Dwardu Cardona's theory: http://www.thunderbolts.info/forum/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=3824

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