
Re: Chronologies & Dating Methods

Why Conventional Geochronology Is Surely Wrong

1. Dinosaur bones are C14 dated to 22,000 to 40,000 years ago (See http://newgeology.us/Dinosaur%20bones%20dated%20by%20Carbon-14.pdf),

whereas conventional dating dates the rock strata of dinosaur bones to 65 million to 240 million years ago.

2. Sedimentology.fr shows that flooding causes many layers of strata to form all at once,

whereas conventional geology assumes that each stratum was laid down over thousands of years one after another, bottom to top.

Lack of erosion between conforming strata show that very little time could have occurred between strata deposition.

And positions of many fossils show that many of them were held in place by sediment before they died, since their bodies did not take their normal positions after death. Many were pressed to a very thin thickness (See Ian Taylor, "In the Minds of Men").

3. Radioactive decay rates can change greatly under catastrophic conditions (See http://www.thunderbolts.info/forum/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2992&start=30#p70016), but C14 dating is likely more reliable than other radioactive dating methods,

whereas conventional geology assumes that radioactive decay rates never change under any conditions and thus are reliable indicators of age.

4.The ancient peoples worldwide seem to have all agreed that Saturn was originally the only object in the sky and it only glowed dimly and the Sun and other planets were not seen until Saturn flared up catastrophically, 9,000 to 15,000 years ago (See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7EAlTcZFwY),

whereas conventional astronomy assumes that the solar system has been like it is now for billions of years.

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