Main Code
© Charles Chandler
This calculates the gravity and electric forces between the core of a Debye cell and all of the
particles in 56 other neighboring cells (cores and sheaths). Since gravity is purely attractive,
we know that there will be a net body force pulling all of the cells together. The question is:
will there be any net electric force, and if so, how much will it be, and will it be attractive
or repulsive?
So we used another program to generate a random set of points representing the distribution of
particles in a Debye sheath. We read this into the $ions array.
// Options
define('offsetSheath', 0); // whether or not to offset the Debye sheaths from the dust grains
define('doScatterPlots', 0); // plot the nuclei and +ions, to visually verify the spacing
define('writeTextFile', 1); // write the x/y to a tab-delimited file
// Benchmarking
$begTime = microtime(true);
// elapsed: 58.87 for 5 iterations
// elapsed: 281.23 for 20 iterations
// Includes
// Constants
define('e', 1.60217657 * pow(10, -19)); // elementary charge, in coulombs
define('p', 1.67262178 * pow(10, -27)); // mass of proton, in kilograms
define('neutralsPerIon', pow(10, 14)); // degree of ionization
define('ElectricConstant', 8.98755 * pow(10, 9));
define('GravityConstant', 6.67408 * pow(10, -11));
$nucMass = 150 * neutralsPerIon * p;
$ionMass = neutralsPerIon * p;
$scatterPlots = NULL;
$newtonsPerKg = array();
// Functions
function Pt($x, $y, $z = 0) {
// just a shorthand for building the array
return array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y, 'z' => $z);
function PtOp($pt, $operator, $mixed) {
if ($operator == '*') {
if (is_numeric($mixed)) {
return Pt($pt['x'] * $mixed, $pt['y'] * $mixed, $pt['z'] * $mixed);
elseif (is_array($mixed)) {
return Pt($pt['x'] * $mixed['x'], $pt['y'] * $mixed['y'], $pt['z'] * $mixed['z']);
elseif ($operator == '/') {
if (is_numeric($mixed)) {
return Pt($pt['x'] / $mixed, $pt['y'] / $mixed, $pt['z'] / $mixed);
elseif (is_array($mixed)) {
return Pt($pt['x'] / $mixed['x'], $pt['y'] / $mixed['y'], $pt['z'] / $mixed['z']);
elseif ($operator == '+') {
if (is_numeric($mixed)) {
return Pt($pt['x'] + $mixed, $pt['y'] + $mixed, $pt['z'] + $mixed);
elseif (is_array($mixed)) {
return Pt($pt['x'] + $mixed['x'], $pt['y'] + $mixed['y'], $pt['z'] + $mixed['z']);
elseif ($operator == '-') {
if (is_numeric($mixed)) {
return Pt($pt['x'] - $mixed, $pt['y'] - $mixed, $pt['z'] - $mixed);
elseif (is_array($mixed)) {
return Pt($pt['x'] - $mixed['x'], $pt['y'] - $mixed['y'], $pt['z'] - $mixed['z']);
function Gravity_n($m1_kg, $m2_kg, $dist_m) {
// Given two masses (in kilograms), and the distance between them
// (in meters), this returns the gravitational force (in Newtons).
return (GravityConstant * $m1_kg * $m2_kg) / ($dist_m * $dist_m);
function Electricity_n($num_e_1, $num_e_2, $dist_m) {
// Given two quantities of elementary charges, and the distance between
// them (in meters), this returns the electric force (in Newtons).
$c1 = $num_e_1 * e; // convert elementary charges to coulombs
$c2 = $num_e_2 * e; // convert elementary charges to coulombs
return (ElectricConstant * $c1 * $c2) / ($dist_m * $dist_m);
function ScientificNotation($num, $prec) {
$minus = ($num < 0) ? '−' : '';
$num = abs($num);
$exp = NULL;
if ($num) {
$exp = round(log($num, 10));
if (abs($exp) > 2) {
$num = $num / pow(10, $exp);
if ($num < 1) { $num *= 10; $exp -= 1; }
if ($exp < 0) $exp = '−'.(abs($exp));
$exp = ' × 10<sup>'.$exp.'</sup>';
} else $exp = NULL;
return $minus.round($num, $prec).$exp;
function Distance3D($pt1, $pt2) {
$dX = ($pt2['x'] - $pt1['x']);
$dY = ($pt2['y'] - $pt1['y']);
$dZ = ($pt2['z'] - $pt1['z']);
return sqrt(($dX * $dX) + ($dY * $dY) + ($dZ * $dZ));
// M A I N
echo trim('
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../../style.css">
// I O N S I N S H E A T H
$ions = array();
foreach(explode("\n", file_get_contents('DebyeIons.txt')) as $line) {
if ($line) {
list($x, $y, $z) = explode(chr(9), $line);
$ions[] = Pt($x, $y, $z);
// C L O S E S T P A C K E D A R R A N G E M E N T O F C E L L S
$cellCenterPts = array();
foreach(explode("\n", file_get_contents('DebyeHCP.txt')) as $line) {
if ($line) {
list($x, $y, $z) = explode(chr(9), $line);
$cellCenterPts[] = Pt($x, $y, $z);
// C A L C U L A T E G A N D E
// Now calculate the gravitational and electric forces, between the origin and the particles in each
// of the other Debye cells. We have the centers of each of the cells in the $cellCenterPts array, so
// first we find the g & e forces between the negatively charged Debye nucleus at that location and
// the test mass/charge (i.e., $origin). Then we can take our ion points, shift them so that they
// surround the $cellCenterPts point of the cell being calculated, and then find the g & e forces from
// the test mass/charge to each ion in the other cell.
echo '
<table class="standard">
<th>cell<br />spacing<br />(m)</th>
$graphPts = array();
$origin = Pt(0, 0, 0); // the coords of the test charge
$iterations = 0;
// Recalculate for a range of distances between each Debye cell. To do this, we
// just multiply the points in the $cellCenterPts array by a scalar before using them.
// They start out being 2 meters apart in the data file, and we want to run
// numbers up to 10 meters apart, so the upper limit is 5.
for ($cenToCenScalar = 1; $cenToCenScalar <= 5.01; $cenToCenScalar += .1) {
$iterations ++;
$g = $e = 0;
$plotPts = array(); // for plotting the points to be calculated, to visually verify
foreach($cellCenterPts as $cenPt) {
// nucleus to nucleus
// Note that (0, 0, 0) is our test charge, and we
// don't want to compare it to itself, so we check for it.
$scaledCenPt = PtOp($cenPt, '*', $cenToCenScalar);
if ($cenPt != $origin) {
$dist = Distance3D($origin, $scaledCenPt);
$g += Gravity_n($nucMass, $nucMass, $dist);
$e -= Electricity_n(150, 150, $dist);
if ($cenPt['z'] == 3.26) { // create a fat point for the nucleus
$plotPts[] = Pt($scaledCenPt['x'] + 0.00, $scaledCenPt['y'] + 0.00);
$plotPts[] = Pt($scaledCenPt['x'] + 0.00, $scaledCenPt['y'] + 0.01);
$plotPts[] = Pt($scaledCenPt['x'] + 0.01, $scaledCenPt['y'] + 0.00);
$plotPts[] = Pt($scaledCenPt['x'] + 0.01, $scaledCenPt['y'] + 0.01);
// Throw in the forces between each of the ions attached to the central
// cell and all of the other particles.
foreach($ions as $originIonPt) {
$dist = Distance3D($originIonPt, $scaledCenPt);
$g += Gravity_n($ionMass, $nucMass, $dist);
$e += Electricity_n(1, 150, $dist);
foreach($ions as $ionPt) {
$tmpIonPt = PtOp($scaledCenPt, '+', $ionPt);
$dist = Distance3D($originIonPt, $tmpIonPt);
$g += Gravity_n($ionMass, $ionMass, $dist);
$e -= Electricity_n(1, 1, $dist);
// nucleus to +ions
if (($cenPt != $origin) or (offsetSheath)) {
// Since the cell-to-cell spacing is 2 m in the data file, and since we want to offset
// the sheaths half the distance to the next cell, to put them right between the two
// nuclei, that would be (($cenToCenScalar * 2) / 2), which is just the $cenToCenScalar.
$sheathOffset = (offsetSheath) ? $cenToCenScalar : 0;
foreach($ions as $ionPt) {
$tmpIonPt = PtOp($scaledCenPt, '+', $ionPt);
$tmpIonPt['x'] += $sheathOffset;
if ($cenPt['z'] == 3.26) $plotPts[] = $tmpIonPt;
$dist = Distance3D($origin, $tmpIonPt);
$g += Gravity_n($nucMass, $ionMass, $dist);
$e += Electricity_n(150, 1, $dist);
echo '
<td>'.round($cenToCenScalar * 2, 2).'</td>
<td align="right">'.ScientificNotation($e, 2).'</td>
<td align="right">'.ScientificNotation($g, 2).'</td>
<td align="right">'.round($e / $g, 2).'</td>
// Store the newtons per kilogram, so that we can
// find the average force causing the collapse, at
// least for 4/5 the way, so we can estimate the time.
if ($cenToCenScalar > 1) $newtonsPerKg[] = (($e + $g) / $nucMass);
if (doScatterPlots) {
$fileName = 'Spacing_'.$cenToCenScalar.'.png';
$scatterPlots .= '<p>'.$fileName.'</p>';
$scatterPlots .= '<p>'.GraphPoints($plotPts, 'Blank.png', $fileName, false).'</p>';
// If the sheaths are still attached to the nuclei, we're getting repulsion,
// not attraction, but we'd rather see all positive numbers in the graph.
if (!offsetSheath) $e = -$e;
$graphPts[] = Pt($cenToCenScalar * 2, $e / $g);
$endTime = microtime(true);
$elapsed = $endTime - $begTime;
echo '</table>';
echo '<br />';
echo '<br />';
echo '<p>'.GraphPoints($graphPts, 'Blank.png', 'Results.png', true).'</p>';
echo '<br />';
echo '<br />';
echo '<p>'.(array_sum($newtonsPerKg) / count($newtonsPerKg)).'</p>';
echo '<br />';
echo '<br />';
echo $scatterPlots;
echo '<br />';
echo 'elapsed: '.round($elapsed, 2).' for '.$iterations.' iterations';
echo '<br />';
echo '</body></html>';
if (writeTextFile) {
$results = '';
foreach($graphPts as $pt) $results .= ($pt['x']).chr(9).($pt['y']).chr(13);
file_put_contents('Results.txt', $results);