
Why True Star Evolution Will Not be Accepted by Establishment
© Jeffrey J Wolynski

There are many reasons why star evolution will not be accepted by establishment physics. I could say I know all the reasons, but here is a quick list from hard experience:

1. It is threatening to their understanding of reality.

2. It is threatening to their credibility as "experts".

3. It is threatening to their careers.

4. It is threatening to their egos.

5. It is threatening to their self-worth and feeling of importance.


Put frankly, establishment physics will fight tooth and nail against the truth if it threatens their understanding of reality, their credibility, their careers, their egos, their self-worth and last but not least their feeling of importance. The reason why this will not be considered is not because it is wrong, but because of human nature. Put people in positions of power, and that will go straight to their heads. Modern scientists are suffering from a mass delusion of omniscience. Will you help me to let them know this? Lots of ridicule and hatred is in store for you just as a warning, but if you dare...



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